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FourX Better Chocolate

Want a chocolate that’s better for you and your health? Introducing FourX Better Chocolate, the chocolate that has more benefits than carbs! Keto friendly and made with beneficial ingredients like collagen, vitamins and minerals, now you can really feel great eating something sweet!

Founded by two health and wellness entrepreneurs Suzie Yorke, the founder of Love Good Fats and Alejandro Castillo, the owner of AOG Foods facility in Ecuador, FourX Better Chocolate was brought together by a love of all things wellness while still indulging in one of the sweeter parts of life; chocolate! These two health conscious business owners pooled their knowledge together, implementing their core values into a better-for-everyone kind of product! Made with no artificial ingredients, sweeteners or preservatives, FourX’s functional chocolates are ketogenic, gluten-free, and made with MCT oil! This is a snack that’s super for any diet, infused with vitamins and minerals that aid in things like relieving stress, skin, bones and teeth, and allows you to feel full for longer, it’s truly a snack that has it all! Now you too can have it all because at FourX, they believe that there should be no compromises when it comes to tasty snacks and healthy foods! 



There are no tricks with these treats, FourX Better Chocolate functional chocolate with benefits are ketogenic and high protein and fiber! These chocolates are snacks with a purpose to make you fall in love with sweets while still maintaining your dietary needs. With no sugar added and made with fair trade cacao from Ecuador, the benefits are endless with FourX Better Chocolate!