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OffLimit’s gluten-free, vegan and plant based friendly cereals are the perfect way to get your kiddo’s day started, and hey not just your kiddo, but you too! Enjoy the nostalgia of having a fun for you but also healthy for you kind of cereal to kickstart your day and make every morning feel like those Sunday mornings when you woke up late with your favorite cereal and watched cartoons.


OffLimits came to be from out of the box thinking, from the mind of a girl named Emily Elyse Miller, who grew up with a mother who was focused on the health trends and therefore that meant no cereal with funny little cartoon animals or mascots, which was all fun, all sugar, all artificial flavor, and none of the healthy stuff that her mom was about.

On the opposite end of the spectrum however, her grandmother was all about the sugary cereals and let the young Emily break the rules her mother set by letting her enjoy a bowl of her favorite cereal with the mascots on the box.

For the longest time, Emily had equated sugary bowls of cereal, or eating cereal right out of the box with a rule breaking sort of mentality, and since most cereals her grandmother let her eat was indeed this sickly sweet, densely sugared products, she had only realized as she’d grown older that one could have a good bowl of cereal without it being bad for you. Thus, when she was old enough to realize that there was a gap in healthy and fun foods, she created her own brand called OffLimits, which acts as the defiant cereal brand that breaks the mold and melds together fun and healthy cereals!

With fun, unique mascots, exclusive toys, and all the goodness of cereal that we had growing up just without the excessive sugar and made with thoughtful ingredients, this is the kind of cereal that even her health driven mother would approve of! 



Plant based and vegan friendly, OffLimit’s breakfast cereal is the gluten-free, fun to eat cereal of your childhood dreams! Made with wholesome, real ingredients and nothing artificial, you can have your cereal and enjoy it too! It’s time to break the rules on cereal and re-introduce it into your life with OffLimits.