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At ChocXO, we are genuinely passionate about Chocolate, so in 2015 we came up with our simple concept……Source the best ingredients and make the world’s most extraordinary chocolate treats. Sounds simple - right? We thought so too. For the most part, that is what we did. Hey, we’re Organic, Non-GMO, Kosher, Gluten-Free, Keto certified and SQF Level 3 Certified, right? Yup, but then we thought could we do better! Soooo, we looked even deeper at our ingredients suppliers and their practices and thought, what if on top of getting the best ingredients we also made sure our ingredients were ethically sourced, that the cacao growers received a fair wage and that we made sure all our manufacturing practices were as eco-friendly as possible. Now that would genuinely make everyone “Happy.”

We are just as passionate about the planet and its people as we are about Chocolate. As citizens of this world, we want to help our fellow citizens. We try and do that through our support of mental health and addiction initiatives, supporting new immigrant families or sustainable packaging and eco practices.

But hey, not to be overly serious, our products need to taste great also. We want to make people happy when they eat our products as well. The best way we can do that is by creating happy treats that you can share with a friend, family member, or even a stranger. We believe nothing brings people closer than eating together or sharing a great experience. Perhaps sharing a bite of our Chocolate can be the vehicle to open a line of communication. What a Concept! Talking to each other, we’re geniuses! Seriously though, you can’t solve problems without talking, so let’s find that common ground, eat some chocolate, and slowly make this world a better place. Share the XO.

Eat Chocolate. Be Happy.