There’s no such thing as a lil’ spice with Les Savoureux, because they have a spice for every occasion! Having some spaghetti? Spice it up! Need a spice for your barbeque? They got that too! Having some desserts? Spice that up all you want with their dessert spice! Literally any occasion, any dish you can spice up with Les Savoureux!
Les Savoureux’s history is a bit all over the place. After an unfortunate closure the first time after their launch, inquisitive and soon to be ambassador, Martine, had written to the previous founders of Les Savoureux with the promise of getting their quality products out there to the masses because she believed that these no sugar, keto friendly spices were a kitchen staple and everyone who’s on a no sugar diet would benefit from healthy and delicious spices! Since 2012, Martine had always had a passion for food, opening and maintaining a catering business, and after taking courses in the College of Alternative Medicine of Quebec in 2016 to combine her passion with her newfound knowledge to provide healthy and convenient meals to busy families everywhere! It was throughout her journey that she learned of Les Savoureux and how these spices could add to any meal! In 2020, Martine went from being an ambassador to being the founder of Les Savoureux along with her partner, Ghyslain, and since then, this healthy spice brand has continued to be on the rise!
From spices around the world to spices for quick and easy meals, Les Savoureux has got your back and spice rack full with all their fixings! Versatile, convenient and delicious, Les Savoureux’s spices are organic, vegan-friendly and made with non-GMO ingredients!