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Ready for a protein bar that has it all? TRUBAR has the taste and the nutrition, and is perfect for a snack on the go! TRUBAR super natural bars are 100% plant fueled and 100% delicious. No more scouring the grocery aisles for the perfect, high protein treat, TRUBAR has got your back!
  1. CA$3.89
  2. CA$3.89
  3. CA$3.89
  4. CA$3.89
  5. CA$3.89
  6. CA$3.89
  7. Retail Price CA$27.23 Our Price CA$25.99 (Save 5%)
  8. CA$4.09

TRUBAR came about from a tru-luv of desserts and a passion to integrate plant-based ingredients into these sweets. TRUWOMEN founder and CEO Erica Groussman, like many other people, got tired of hunting through the grocery aisles to find sweets that were both satisfying and not loaded with sugar or artificial preservatives, so she stopped looking through the aisles and instead looked within. Brimming with ideas to marry the good-for-you and good-tasting worlds together, Erica created TRUWOMEN and her inventive and delicious products; TRUBAR! With real ingredients that you can pronounce, TRUBAR is the sweet of your dreams! Wholesomely made with simple ingredients that are dairy-free, gluten-free and free of sugar alcohols, TRUBARs provide peace of mind when it comes to healthy indulgence because the only thing you should be doing when it comes to sweet snacking is enjoying what’s within the wrapper, rather than fretting over what’s in it! 



TRUBAR bars are tru-ly a one of a kind! Gluten, soy and dairy free, these high protein, plant-based bars are made with wholesome ingredients that you can indulge yourself in! It’s ooey-gooey plant-based goodness in a chocolate-covered protein bar that you can enjoy as a sweet treat and if you need a small boost of protein!