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Bar Harbor

Bar Harbor

  1. CA$5.29
  2. CA$5.29
  3. CA$6.89
  4. Retail Price CA$6.89 Our Price CA$5.51 (Save 20%)
  5. Retail Price CA$5.29 Our Price CA$4.23 (Save 20%)
  6. CA$6.89

You don’t have to unwind next to a dock with cold water and warm breeze to enjoy some delish seafood when there’s Bar Harbor. We have some of Bar Harbor’s finest seafood options that are made with easy-to understand ingredients such as juicy clams, tender mussels, and whole Maine lobsters from the cold North Atlantic. It’s the freshest seafood you can enjoy sitting at your home, away from the docks!

The most intriguing part about our Bar Harbor seafood specialty seafood is its simplicity. The seafood is sustainably harvested from the clear cold waters of the Gulf of Maine, and is made and prepared the way people at Maine coast have been having for generations. Keep hunger at bay with these delectable seafood picks that are paleo, whole30, ketogenic and gluten-free. A hearty seafood meal can make your day a notch healthier and happier for sure. Easy-to-eat meals can save you a lot of time in the kitchen, especially when you have to run errands, or take care of the household chores or simply need something to grab and eat without having to prepare. 

Our Bay Harbor seafood products let you savor the fresh-from-the-sea flavor, while you give your body a much-needed doze of Omega-3 and protein.