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Fair Trade

We all want to be treated fairly for the work that we put in! That’s why we’ve gathered a selection of brands and products that are Fairtrade for you to discover!
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  2. CA$3.99
  3. CA$5.99
  4. CA$5.99
  5. CA$5.99
  6. CA$5.49
  7. CA$4.09
  8. CA$8.99
  9. Retail Price CA$15.59 Our Price CA$13.25 (Save 15%)
  10. CA$8.99
  11. CA$3.19
  12. CA$7.29
  13. CA$5.69
  14. CA$5.69
  15. CA$5.99
  16. CA$5.99
  17. CA$7.99
  18. CA$9.99
  19. CA$7.79
  20. CA$5.49
  21. CA$5.49
  22. Retail Price CA$9.99 Our Price CA$7.39 (Save 26%)
  23. CA$18.89
  24. CA$8.39
  25. CA$7.79
  26. CA$7.99
  27. CA$7.79
  28. CA$7.79
  29. Retail Price CA$12.99 Our Price CA$11.04 (Save 15%)
  30. CA$9.99

So…what does Fairtrade mean?

The Fairtrade Movement focuses on making trading fair for all the people involved in producing and distributing products. 

Who benefits from Fairtrade?

The hardworking farmers and workers are the ones who primarily benefit from Fairtrade. By receiving fair prices and wages, it will help them maintain and build their livelihood. Fairtrade also helps protect these farmers / workers from the rise and fall of the market!

Okay, but why should we buy Fairtrade products?

  1. Fair Trade Products Provide Farmers with Fair Recognition: Imagine working really hard on a project and someone else just swoops in and takes all of the credit for it. Well that’s exactly how food producers that are not a part of the Fairtrade movement feel! Food producers are typically robbed of their earnings, causing them to live with a less than liveable wage. 
  2. Fairtrade Products are Better for the Environment: For a product to receive the Fairtrade Certification, it must meet the internationally agreed standards. The standards include that the product must be produced in an environmentally sustainable manner.
  3. Fairtrade Products help Fight Poverty: Helping others never seemed so easy, right? Aside from providing a liveable wage to workers, a premium is given to food producers’ communities to enhance their social and economic development when you purchase Fairtrade products.
  4. The Fairtrade Movement Makes Food Production Safer: The Fairtrade Agreement ensures that workers are treated like people. It provides health benefits to employees, repulses child-labour, discrimination and forced labour, and creates safe working conditions for its employees.
  5. Fairtrade Products are Free of GMO’s and other Hazardous Materials: GMO’s or genetically modified organisms can cause illnesses and pollution and are therefore banned from Fairtrade. Additionally, although it is not necessary for the Fairtrade Agreement, many products are organic.

Fairtrade Products List:

Looking for some products to start off your Fairtrade list? 

Then dive into some tasty snacks to hit the spot when you get the munchies! 

How about quenching your thirst with some refreshing beverages and drink mixes

Or maybe you need some bars, cereal, & granola to get your mornings off on the right foot! 

Do you have a sweet tooth? Then try a sweet treat to satisfy that craving! 

Whether you’re discovering the Fairtrade movement for the first time, or are looking for other Fairtrade products to add to your pantry, no worries - we’ve got your back!