Everything You Need to Know About Beans

Everything You Need to Know About Beans

Did you know you should be eating beans every day? Learn everything you need to know about the health benefits of beans - and which beans you should be incorporating into your diet for maximum health benefits!


Beans, beans the more you eat - well you know the rest, but I bet you didn’t know that you should be eating beans everyday as part of a healthy diet! Beans may be small, but they are powerful and mighty, and can offer some great health benefits. Read along to find out everything you need to know about beans!


What are beans, legumes and pulses?

Beans, legumes and pulses are part of a nutritious diet all over the world. Although the term bean, legume and pulses are often used interchangeably, the terms carry different meanings. A legume refers to all parts of any plant of the Fabaceae family. A pulse is the seed of a legume plant. A bean is considered a type of pulse. 


Are beans and legumes good for you?

Yes! Beans are vegan sources of goodness. Beans (or pulses) and legumes are naturally fat-free, cholesterol-free, sodium-free, and high in fibre. Beans and legumes are an excellent source of plant-based protein. Beans and legumes contain 20 - 25% more protein than other plant sources. Additionally, beans are an excellent and more affordable protein source than animal proteins. Beans are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as potassium, iron, copper, magnesium and folic acid, all of which a typical Canadian diet lacks. For these reasons, many health professionals recommended eating about ½ cup of beans every day.


What beans should I include in my diet?

Here are some beans that are high in taste value, and also in health benefits! Find out how adding them to your diet can improve your health and the best ways to eat them!


Black beans:

Black beans are sweet-tasting, medium-sized, oval-shaped, and soft-textured beans. They provide a vast amount of nutrients without excess fat or sugar. Black beans can stop a high glycemic food from spiking your blood sugar when eaten in combination. Additionally, regular consumption of black beans may help prevent stomach, kidney and colon cancer and potentially breast cancer. Black beans are also rich in antioxidants, like Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which help protect your eyes against ageing and diseases. The antioxidants in black beans will also help protect your cells and prevent diseases that result from mutated cells, like cancer. Black beans also help lower high cholesterol, reducing your risk of heart attacks, and promoting heart health. Eating black beans often may also help prevent obesity due to its ability to help keep you fuller, longer. Black beans are also rich in calcium and magnesium, which are essential for building and maintaining healthy bones, especially on a plant-based diet. Black beans are also high in other nutrients crucial to the body, such as folate, potassium and iron. Add black beans to salads, wraps, chilli and more!


Aduki beans:

Aduki beans, also known as Aduki or Chinese Red Beans, are a dark reddish-brown colour with a white ridge on the side. The taste of Adzuki beans is strong and nutty. Aduki beans are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Aduki beans have a good amino acid profile with high amounts of Valine, Isoleucine and Leucine, all of which are important for building muscles. These beans also have high amounts of copper, vitamin B9, iron, manganese, phosphorus and zinc. These beans have excellent antioxidant properties that can help keep cells healthy. Aduki beans also contain anti-diabetic properties. Consistent consumption of these beans can help maintain a steady blood glucose level. Aduki beans can also alleviate digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcers and acid reflux. Some consider Aduki beans to be one of the most important foods for good stomach health. Aduki beans may also promote brain health and prevent cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer's. Aduki beans also contain high levels of manganese, which may help alleviate premenstrual syndrome (PMS), like mood swings and cramps. Aside from all the benefits listed above, Aduki beans also promote teeth and bone health, weight control and heart health. Use these beans for soups, puddings, coffee, flour, candies and desserts.


Lupin Beans:

Lupin or Lupini Beans are a traditional Mediterranean bean, often eaten during celebrations. Lupin beans are a flat, yellow, oval shape with a hard outer shell and a soft inside. Raw Lupin beans are highly toxic and must be adequately prepared to be edible. Lupin beans must be soaked for a minimum of one week to eliminate the toxic ingredients and the bitter taste. Typically Lupin beans are cooked after soaking to soften the texture. Lupin beans are rich in protein, manganese, copper, magnesium, vitamin A, phosphorus, potassium and zinc and offer numerous health benefits. Unlike the other beans, these beans are typically keto-friendly. Similar to other beans, Lupin beans also reduce cholesterol, promote muscle growth, contribute to weight management, and consistent consumption can help prevent or alleviate bowel problems, like irritable bowel syndrome. Lupin beans are also known to be good prebiotics as they help good bacteria grow in the intestines. Add these beans to salads, turn them into rice, eat some lupini pasta, or eat them independently as a snack.



Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a pulse with a nutty flavour. There are two main types of chickpeas, the larger, light-yellow coloured chickpeas and the smaller, irregular, dark coloured chickpeas, both available dry and canned. In Canada, the light-yellow chickpeas are more common. Chickpeas are rich in protein, iron, folate, phosphorus, and healthy fatty acids. Chickpeas can help you control your blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation in the gut and colon, promote healthy bowel movements, prevent colon cancer, lower blood cholesterol, and help with weight management. Chickpeas are an excellent addition to salads, soups, pasta, stews or as a sweet or salty snack. Chickpeas are also often used to create pastes or turned into flour.


Dark Red Kidney Beans

Dark red kidney beans are large, kidney-shaped beans with a glossy exterior, an earthy taste and a medium-soft texture. Compared to other beans, kidney beans have less fat than other beans and the same amount of protein and fibre. The fibre in the beans can help eliminate bad cholesterol and improve heart health. The fibre may also reduce the growth of harmful cells in the colon and help prevent colon cancer. Additionally, the generous amount of fibre may prevent you from overeating and help control your weight. Kidney beans are suitable for those with diabetes or poor glycemic control due to their low glycemic index. Besides the high contents of iron, manganese, folate, and phosphorus, dark kidney beans also contain generous amounts of vitamin B1 (thiamin). Thiamine helps to turn carbohydrates and proteins into energy, and it supports muscle contraction. For these reasons, dark red kidney beans could be an excellent energy source for athletes, cross-fitters, yogis or gym go-ers. 


Overall, all of the beans listed above offer excellent health benefits and should be incorporated into your diet daily. Kindly note that beans and legumes are known to cause bloating and gas retention. Nonetheless, this can be avoided by slowly introducing beans into your diet. Start by introducing a small amount of any bean or legume to your diet once a week. Gradually increase the amount or the frequency of beans and legumes consumed as your body begins to build a tolerance. Your body will become accustomed to the beans and legumes, and you will no longer experience any bloating or discomfort, just health benefits. Try out different beans and discover your new favourite! Beans are highly versatile and can be incorporated into plenty of recipes, including brownies and pasta. Suppose you do not enjoy the taste of beans or legumes. In that case, there are many products available at Natura Market that incorporate beans or legumes and have a fantastic flavour! There are plenty of items made of beans available including anything from chickpea flour, to puffs and chips! Check them out!


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