Will the Paleo Diet Lower Cholesterol?

Will the Paleo Diet Lower Cholesterol?

Are you thinking about diets because you want to lose weight? With the outburst of obesity that we’re experiencing in most countries, dieting has become a trending topic. But even before you start losing weight with Paleo, something will happen in your blood. 


The Paleo diet can change your metabolism and it is useful for patients with poor cardiovascular health. But it is going to lower your blood cholesterol levels? Is there any serious research about it?


Is the Paleo diet useful to lower cholesterol?

Yes, the paleo diet can lower cholesterol. Actually, that’s one of the reasons why it is useful to reduce the cardiovascular risk. This is particularly the case if you start exercising, getting in shape, and losing weight.

Think about it. You’re not consuming trans-fat anymore because processed foods are off limits. You’re not consuming dairy and unhealthy oils. You will be consuming more fruits and vegetables, and the oil sources will be avocados and similar foods. You’re expected to experience a drop in cholesterol levels.

Moreover, the Paleo diet can switch your metabolic markers even before you have type 2 diabetes or coronary heart disease. That includes, not only lowering LDL cholesterol, but also blood pressure, and triglycerides. It may also increase HDL cholesterol, which is often thought as the “good” cholesterol.

Other studies show that you may also improve markers such as the diastolic pulse, systolic blood pressure, hbA1C, sugar levels, weight and BMI, and abdominal girth.

How long does it take to lower bad cholesterol?

You can maintain the Paleo diet for the long-term without any problem. And it will actually have great results.

According to a two-year dietary evaluation, the Paleo diet improved triglycerides, LDL, and total cholesterol levels. The effects were very noticeable after half a year, and were maintained and further improved after two years.

Thus if you have a very high cardiovascular risk or already have a coronary illness, you may need extra measures to keep yourself healthy. On the other hand, patients with controlled type 2 diabetes may find significant benefit adopting the Paleo diet while maintaining their medical control and prescription drugs.

Many doctors endorse the Paleo diet for patients with metabolic conditions like type 2 diabetes, or cardiovascular problems such as stroke. The advantages are far more numerous than only improving your weight. In the process, your sugar levels will gradually go down, you will lose that excess fat from around the waist, and will reduce the chance of cardiovascular problems.

But if you really want to lower cholesterol with the Paleo diet, follow your doctor’s advice. Extremely high levels of LDL cholesterol may require prescription meds. You may also need to combine an active lifestyle with this and any other diet to reach your goals.

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